Bespoke Consultancy
Key Benefits of working with Circular Earth
Don't struggle with applying Circularity or Regenerative process to your business. Its often a time and money saving opportunity to bring in those that can take the reins and guide with care and integrity. Here are some of the key things that we can work with you on.
Regenerative Structuring
Regenerative is the new forward thinking practice and the word is often miss-used to describe circularity and other sustainable practice. We can look at your business in a new light, not only in looking at applications on regenerative product but also in structures within your business that will aid innovation and future cathedral thinking. Our founder is a leader in Regenerative, living systems and new economics approach in the fashion space and beyond.
Circular Design
With 100 years combined applications in design, development, project management and circular process. We are tooled up with the knowhow and connections to build your parallel product, range or brand. From Circular Design, transformative supply chain management to creating the right grading with our partners in Circular garment tech, right through to positioning and branding. Some don't have the time or the connections and prefer us to project manage their circular future.
Research and Reporting
Sometimes you just need a report to check if what you are foreseeing is going to have impact. Sustainability is a multi faceted thing and it is hard to know if what you are doing will make a difference. We do reporting and analysis looking at any unintended consequences and finding ways to measure your impact. CO2 and net zero is certainly the buzz word of the moment - but we look at what you are creating with a whole systems perspective. With new research projects every year we keep our fingers on the pulse for new trends and analysis
New Systems & Economics
Sometimes there's a problem for business that needs sorting out. If you are struggling to find the right people for the job. We have the fashion A-Team connections that we can bring into action. From Circularity, to specialist niches, fabric technology and new business systems for operations and finance. We can create your A-Team of specialist without you having to go out into the wide world. So if you have a Circular fashion problem and no one else can help, Call the Circular Earth A-Team.