In starting even think about transforming your business it is easy to get overwhelmed by what is needed and correct. Sustainability is a multilevel onion of a puzzle and shouldn't be entered into lightly. It however should totally be seen as a journey.
The Covid experience allows you to think on a new start in your business journey. To build the path to dynamic and sustainable edge business & will give you an advantage in comparison to other business that take longer to move forwards.
I can project manage your team through the minefields & encourage sustainability from within. Offering a bespoke plan for your business and after care to see it through from concept through to production and marketing.
Using my sustainability links to promote and aid the best marketing solution for you .. where you won’t get someone well to be frank like me getting my greenwashing horn out.
I’ve been on both sides of the fence, industry for many years & sustainability knowledge base.. my years as a project manager in the design field mean i can pretty much put my hands to anything.
As one of my first bosses said , ‘’Rachel just gets on with the job and gets it done’’ .. still true to this day. Ever the practical northerner, drop me a line to discuss down to earth options on moving your business into the new economy.